Personalized cancer therapy prioritization based on driver alteration co-occurrence patterns

Mateo L, Duran-Frigola M, Gris-Oliver A, Palafox M, Scaltriti M, Razavi P, Chandarlapaty S, Arribas J, Bellet M, Serra V, Aloy P, Identification of actionable genomic vulnerabilities is key to precision oncology. Utilizing a large-scale drug screening in patient-derived xenografts, we uncover driver gene alteration connections, derive driver co-occurrence (DCO) networks, and relate these to drug sensitivity. Our collection of 53 drug-response predictors attains an average balanced accuracy of 58% in a cross-validation setting, rising to 66% for a subset of high-confidence predictions. We experimentally validated 12 out of 14 predictions in mice and adapted our strategy to obtain drug-response models from patients' progression-free survival data. Our strategy reveals links between oncogenic alterations, increasing the clinical impact of genomic profiling.
Genome Medicine,
2020, 12(1), 78
Pubmed: 32907621
Direct link: 10.1186/s13073-020-00774-x