Samira Jaeger

Post-doctoral Fellow

Structural Bioinformatics and Network Biology group
Institute for Research in Biomedicine (IRB)
Parc Científic de Barcelona
C/ Baldiri Reixac 10
08028 Barcelona - Spain

samira.jaeger <at>


Jaeger S, Aloy P. From protein interaction networks to novel therapeutic strategies. IUBMB Life (in press), 2012.

Arzt S, Starlinger J, Arnold O, Kröger S, Jaeger S, Leser U. PiPa: Custom Integration of Protein Interactions and Pathways. GI-Jahrestagung 2011, Workshop "Daten In den Lebenswissenschaften".

Jaeger S, Sers CT, Leser U. Combining modularity, conservation, and interactions of proteins significantly increases precision and coverage of protein function prediction. BMC Genomics 11:717, 2010. [BMC Genomics]

Jaeger S, Ertaylan G, van Dijk D, Leser U, Sloot PMA. Inference of Surface Membrane Factors of HIV-1 Infection through Functional Interaction Networks. PLoS ONE 5(10): e13139, 2010. [PLoS ONE]

Jaeger S, Gaudan S, Leser U, Rebholz-Schuhmann D. Integrating protein-protein interactions and text mining for protein function prediction. Fifth International Workshop on Data Integration in the Life Sciences (DILS), Evry, France, June 2008. BMC Bioinformatics 9(Suppl 8):S2, 2008. [BMC Bioinformatics]

Jaeger S, Leser U. High-Precision Function Prediction using Conserved Interactions. Proc of the German Conference on Bioinformatics, 146-163, 2007.

Dix TI, Powell DR, Allison L, Bernal J, Jaeger S, Stern L. Comparative Analysis of Long DNA Sequences Per Element Information Content Using Different Contexts. BMC Bioinformatics 8(Suppl 2):S10, 2007. [BMC Bioinformatics]